
CBS Facilities

CBS is equipped with an Auditorium, Modern Lecture Halls and Computer Labs. Organizations can reserve these facilities to conduct their trainings, meetings and workshops except entertaining events on rent basis.



A theater style auditorium equipped with modern technology.

  • Centralized A/C
  • Multimedia and audio facilities
  • Seating capacity of 325
  • Head table up to seating capacity of 8
  • Electronic podium

Computer Labotory

CBS is in the process of expanding the capacity of its Computer Labs. At the moment, we are equipped with two air-conditioned Computer Labs.

Computer Lab 1 – 

  1.  Consist of 30 laptops
  2. Internet facility is available
  3. Consist of multimedia, head table and white board

Lecture Halls

CBS has different styles of air conditioned halls with different seating capacities.

Lecture Hall       

  1. Theatre style
  2. Seating capacity of 120 (can be reduced to 60 upon request)
  3. Equipped with Podium, Head table, Multimedia and Audio Facilities